Correction to: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition

The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake in the abstract. The sentence “The two Arg-catabolising enzymes Arg1 and IDO1 reduce the hyperinflammation by an immunosuppressive effect via either Arg starvation (for Arg1) or via the immunoregulatory activity of the Arg-derived metabolites Kyn (for IDO1).” should read: “The two Arg- and Trp-catabolising enzymes Arg1 and IDO1 reduce the hyperinflammation by an immunosuppressive effect via either Arg starvation (for Arg1) or via the immunoregulatory activity of the Trp-derived metabolites Kyn (for IDO1).” The author apologizes for the mistake. The original article has been corrected.