Are you looking for an innovative treatment for your patients with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)? Try O2Vent!

The OSA treatment from OADS is already a patient favourite in Australia and Canada, and is now available here in the UK. It provides OSA patients with a comfortable and discreet alternative to traditional treatment types, enabling patients to ditch the machine, mask, tubing, and power cord of CPAP.

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The device is customised to fit each patient's unique anatomy so that, if there's a blockage, air is drawn in through the device to the back of the throat, all while stabilising the lower jaw, bringing the tongue forward, and opening the airway.

This gives patients the freedom to sleep comfortably, without the uncomfortable side-effects commonly caused by CPAP treatment.

To find out more, visit the website or contact the team at OADS.

For more information, visit: or call 0800 8611828 or email: