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It is with a great sense of sadness that we report that our dear friend and esteemed colleague Stephen Jacobs passed away on 11 March 2024, after his relatively short battle with ill health.

Stephen was a world-renowned dentist with a passion, knowledge and drive that permeated the field of implant dentistry. The breadth of respect he engendered amongst his many colleagues and patients is a testament to his success. This was enhanced by his warm, kind, generous and humorous personality and it leaves him with the legacy of a crown of a good name.

Stephen graduated from the University of Birmingham Dental School in 1985, from where he eventually set up the Dental FX practice in Glasgow, becoming both director and principal in 2006. Stephen was an early adopter of the newly emerging dental implant technologies, placing his first implant in 1992. He soon became a recognised name and a speaker for Biomet 3i before converting to the Astra Tech implant system a few years later, establishing his practice as a centre of excellence for implant referrals as well as a centre for education and training. As a result, many a colleague would come to view Stephen as their mentor and are indebted to him for their start on the implant journey.

It is no surprise that Stephen also threw himself into Association activity, becoming an integral part of the Association of Dental Implantology (UK) from its earliest days, eventually becoming President from 2009-2011. He also became active in the premier global implant organisation, the Academy of Osseointegration (AO), joining in 1999, serving on many committees, and assisting in establishing the International Charter Chapter movement and running the UK Charter Chapter. In 2016, he became only the second UK dentist to be awarded the prestigious Fellowship of the Academy and ultimately became a Director on its Board in 2019. Sadly, his service was cut short by his illness, and he had to step down last year. However, befittingly, at this month's AO annual meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina he was recognised for his outstanding service to the Academy and his award was received on his behalf by Dr Michael Norton, who gave an emotional speech in recognition of his friend and colleague of many years.

For a long time, Stephen nursed his wife Lucy through her own long and difficult battle against illness, which was sadly no stranger to the Jacob's household, and he was grief-stricken at her passing just a few years ago.

Stephen is survived by his three daughters Talia, Carly and Alyssa to whom we send our most heartfelt condolences.

Michael Norton