Modern curing lights

The BDA Museum's next exhibition will be ‘Curing Lights'. This will entail the history and development of this important piece of equipment now found in every dental surgery.

figure 1

The Museum is fortunate to have a good selection of early curing lights (1970s-1980s, including UV), but lack the 2nd and 3rd generation ‘guns' and ‘wands'.

If you have a spare modern curing light, the Museum would be very grateful if you could lend it for the duration of the exhibition. Or better still, donate it to the Museum's permanent collection!

So, if you do have a spare light, please send a picture of it to, Head of Museum Services at the BDA, for possible inclusion in the exhibition. She would be delighted to hear from you.

Student instrument box

The Museum is currently researching the evolution of the student instrument box with a view to putting together a small display in the foyer at Wimpole Street. They have quite a few examples of boxes from the 1890s through to the 1970s but would really like an example of a later box before they were phased out.

figure 2

Does any BDJ reader have a student instrument box dating from 1979-2000 that the Museum could borrow for the exhibition? Also, does anyone have a photograph of themselves with their student instrument box between 1979-2000? If you are able to help, then please contact the museum,