In December, Farhat Sawhney, who is undertaking specialist training in endodontics at the Eastman, became the first recipient of the Maya Desai Postgraduate Dental Scholarship.

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The aim of the scholarship is to assist students pursuing advanced dental training at UCL Eastman Dental Institute who intend to base their long-term practice in Norfolk or Suffolk.

Maya Desai was a dentist who graduated from the University of Birmingham in 1983 and spent all of her practising career in Norfolk. She undertook the MSc training programme at UCL Eastman Dental Institute in 2002 and then established a successful endodontic referral practice.

Applications for the next academic year are now open. Although primarily aimed at increasing the presence of specialist practitioners in Norfolk and Suffolk, consideration would be given to other applicants aiming to introduce such practice to areas of England currently lacking these services.

Information about the scholarship can be found at

Farhat is pictured (left) with Maya Desai's husband.