The Association of Dental Implantology (ADI) is the UK's go-to organisation for anything and everything related to dental implants.

It has long extended a warm welcome to all members of the team, not just dentists, offering bespoke educational programmes for dental nurses, practice managers, dental hygienists and therapists alongside clinicians, at its Annual Congress.

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This is because the ADI acknowledges a whole team approach is key to the patient's experience and long-term success. A coordinated team means anyone considering implant therapy will be fully informed on every step of their journey, and understand the rationale for each stage of their treatment plan. As part of its offering, the ADI has comprehensive patient leaflets, to deepen their understanding about dental implants, and what to expect. ADI members get a number of these free, with a discounted rate thereafter. Just one of the many benefits of joining the ADI!

For more information about the ADI, or to join, visit the website