Develop your understanding of internal sinus lifts and lateral window sinus grafts on the ‘Sinus Augmentation: How and when?' course. Held in London on 17 January 2024, the course will be led by Dr Fazeela Khan-Osborne and Prof Dr Cristian Dinu on behalf of MegaGen.

Ideal for clinicians with some implantology experience, this course will provide expert insight into the practical skills necessary to augment bone in the maxillary sinuses.

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Taking place at the Royal College of Physicians, London, the course is led by two highly respected figures in the field.

Dr Fazeela Khan-Osborne has extensive experience in the field, and is the founder and leader of One To One Implant Education, a renowned centre for dentists to study at all levels of implantology. As the Principal Dentist at the One To One Dental Clinic and a renowned lecturer, she is an excellent fount of knowledge.

Prof Dr Cristian Dinu is also a renowned lecturer and clinician, having hosted talks at national and international congresses of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral Implantology.

Clinicians can book their space on the course online, or contact the One To One team for more information.

To reserve your place or to find out more, visit or call 020 7486 0000.