The College of General Dentistry is organising a Primary Dental Care Research Poster Award, and all dental professionals, dental students, trainees and members of the wider dental team may enter.

Initial submissions must take the form of a structured abstract of up to 350 words about research into a topic of relevance to primary dental care, highlighting the research process undertaken and the clinical importance and implications of the results obtained. Submitted abstracts should follow the format: title, author name(s), practice or institutional affiliations, aims and objectives, methods, essential results, conclusion. Entrants should indicate their professional registration category or job title (or student/trainee status), and note any funding received. Abstracts should not include images or graphics, and the research must not yet have been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

Abstracts should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document by email to no later than Sunday 15 January 2023, using the subject line ‘CGDent primary dental care poster award'.

Acceptance of abstracts will be notified by email by 15 February 2023, and a detailed specification will then be provided for preparation of an electronic poster for presentation on a plasma screen. Posters of accepted entries will need to be submitted as a PDF by 10 March 2023, and will be displayed at the CGDent-Quintessence Publishing ‘Excellence for the Dental Team' international conference taking place in London on 24-25 March 2023. Entrants must be willing to attend and present their displays for adjudication during the conference (day passes will be provided).

An overall award will be given for the best poster presentation. Adjudicators may group entries according to career stage, scope of practice and role within the primary dental care team. A further award (or awards) may be made within one or more of these categories.

The CGDent-Quintessence Publishing International Conference is a unique two-day programme, with 36 presentations and 29 moderated discussions taking place across four different lecture theatres, and encompassing all aspects of dental care from implantology to endodontics. Details are available at

Full details of the CGDent Primary Dental Care Research Poster Award, and a link to guidance on writing abstracts, are available at