Augma's Bond Apatite is a synthetic bone regeneration material that does not wash away, unlike other synthetic bone materials. Supplied in an all-in-one syringe that enables immediate dispensing directly into the bone defect, it is incredibly quick and easy to use. Simply depress the plunger to activate the ingredients, dispense it into the defect and apply pressure using a sterile gauze and it's set. The whole process takes seconds.

Bond Apatite sets hard, so it won't wash away even in the presence of blood and saliva. And, because it sets hard, there is no need for a membrane which saves additional time and unnecessary expense. There is no need to achieve tension-free closure, this is actually contra-indicated, or even complete primary closure for gaps less than 3 mm. Small dehiscences can be left exposed without any risk of infection or breakdown. Larger dehiscences can be protected by suturing a collagen cube over it.

Formed from a patented mixture of biphasic calcium sulphate and hydroxyapatite in a 2:1 ratio, bond apatite sets like a cement in the oral cavity, even in the presence of blood and saliva. After a few weeks it transforms into a radiolucent matrix, before calcifying and becoming radiopaque new bone. It produces 90% new bone after three months and over 95% new bone after eight months.

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