W&H, a globally leading dental manufacturer, has hit an exciting milestone, having now produced over 100,000 sterilisers for businesses around the world. A fantastic achievement, this demonstrates the company's continued dedication to quality-proven solutions.

W&H has been designing and fabricating sterilisers for dental professionals since 1999, accruing decades of experience within the profession to really understand the needs of dental practices. All W&H sterilisers are created by a team of experts at W&H's Sterilisation Centre in Brusaporto, Italy, perfectly combining style and elegance with efficiency and practicality.

Today, W&H offers an impressive range of solutions with the Lisa, a fully automated B type steriliser, the Lara and the Lyla S type with innovative upgradeability options. The range of sterilisers available are designed to meet the requirements and preferences of any dental team.

Why not discover the latest generation of solutions and see for yourself how W&H has continued to invest in research and development, allowing us to use our experience of 100,000 sterilisers to produce tailored solutions ideally suited to the needs of individual practices.

The exceptional portfolio from W&H with innovative functionalities offers top quality decontamination solutions for all.

To find out more visit www.wh.com/en_uk, call 01727 874990 or email office.uk@wh.com.