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figure 1

Article: Embracing neurodiversity-informed dentistry. Part five: Diverse minds in the dental profession

1. Diverse minds in the dental workforce can offer:

A. dental care professionals capable of detailed thinking, memory, and complex pattern analysis

B. dental care professionals with more creative insight in comparison to their neurotypical peers

C. better reflection and serving of our neurodivergent patients, as those with lived experience of neurodivergence can better appreciate the patient perspective

D. all of the above

2. Neuro-inclusion across an organisation is beneficial because:

A. we can see more patients, quickly, enriching the profession

B. it fulfils the tick box exercise required for diversity and inclusion training

C. the wide variety of skills can promote optimal success across an organisation

D. you then know who you need to be, to be accepted

3. Masking and compensatory strategies used by neurodivergent people:

A. are the same techniques, their terms can be used interchangeably

B. helps this cohort of people socialising and working to avoid stress and burn-out in the longer term

C. aims to make one's authentic self stand-out for all to see

D. differs in that masking is where neurodivergent behaviours are hidden or stopped; and to compensate is an adaptive process whereby new behaviours are generated in order to avoid negative outcomes

4. Neurodivergent dental colleagues:

A. are all thriving within the dental profession

B. are often facing stigma, a lack of awareness and lack of appropriate infrastructure

C. are the reason for increased retention of highly skilled colleagues

D. require adjustments which are exclusively beneficial to neurodivergent colleagues

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