Abstract • 91

We report a three and a half-year-old Jewish boy who presented with a history of two months of dysuria, frequency and urgency, urinary dribbling, and diurnal enuresis. The diagnosis of Eosinophilic Cystitis was established based on imaging and histopathological studies. Serology for toxocariasis showed a 4-fold titer increase. The child neither responded to specific therapy for toxocariasis nor to high dose-corticosteroid treatment. Repeated bladder sonars showed a progressive reduction of the urinary bladder lumen with extensive eosinophilic infiltration of the bladder wall. This disorder eventually could develop into complete fibrosis of the urinary bladder with secondary obstructive uropathy and renal insufficiency. In light of the impending need for disabeling surgery we started a novel trial of long-term Cyclosporin A, a known immunomodulator which brought about the clinical cure of the child with complete disappearance of the bladder eosinophilic infiltration. Specific studies showed that CyA induced normalization of the interleukin balance.