Metrics have shown us that “the end is nigh”; well, it is for this page anyway! Our download statistics indicate that few of you read the words on this page, so we have decided that from January 2012 onwards 'From the editors' will put in an appearance only when needed. For example, as this is the December issue and effectively the end of 2011 for us, we can use this page to thank everyone who took the time to write for Nature Reviews Cancer this year and all of you who spared some of your precious time to peer review for us.

This space also enables us to tell you about some of the occasional extras that come with the journal. This month we have a poster on 'Proteasome inhibitors and cancer therapy', written by Q. Ping Dou. The poster covers the recent progress in this area — the approval in the United States of the use of bortezomib for patients with relapsed multiple myeloma, and additional proteasome inhibitors that have entered clinical trials. This poster is freely available thanks to support from Onyx Pharmaceuticals. Another rather unusual extra this month is to announce our debut on Twitter: @NatureRevCancer, please follow us!

Although 'From the editors' has occasionally allowed us to voice our opinion on important cancer-related issues, the restriction of this page to 289 words means that we have not been able to cover any crucial subject in the depth required. So, from 2012, we will aim to write a proper Editorial when warranted, as this will enable you to get a better feeling for what is on our collective mind. No doubt our metrics will rapidly tell us whether such an Editorial has more impact than anything written here, and we await this information with interest. Happy Holidays everyone!