Imaging in cell biology. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology and Nature Cell Biology September (2003) These specially commissioned articles focus on key advances in imaging techniques that allow us to observe cellular processes.

Aurora and the hunt for cancer-modifying genes. Dove, W. Nature Genetics August (2003) Low-penetrance genes can influence cancer susceptibility, but are notoriously hard to find. This News and Views article discusses the cancer modifier Aurora.

New dimensions in cell migration. Webb, D. J. & Horwitz, A. F. Nature Cell Biology August (2003) According to this News and Views article, growing cells in a 3D environment — compared with a 2D system — adds a new dimension to how they migrate and is controlled by RHO GTPases.

Cancer susceptibility in the mouse — genetics, biology and implications for human cancer. Demant, P. Nature Reviews Genetics September (2003)

The MRN complex: coordinating and mediating the response to broken chromosomes. van den Bosch, M., Bree, R. T. & Lowndes, N. F. EMBO Reports September (2003) The MRE11–RAD50–NBS1 (MRN) protein complex has a key role in sensing, processing and repairing double-stranded DNA breaks. This review article proposes a model for how MRN detects these breaks and mediates appropriate cellular responses.

Road map to metastasis. Van't Veer, L. J. & Weigelt, B. Nature Medicine August (2003) Current investigations are challenging the view that the acquisition of metastatic ability is a late and rare event in tumorigenesis. So, when do cancer cells gain the ability to disseminate? This News and Views article provides some clues.

Protective packaging for DNA. Downs, J. A. & Jackson, S. P. Nature 14 August (2003) This News and Views article discusses two papers, which show that histone H2AX — a structural component of chromatin — can act as a tumour suppressor in mice.

Proteomics delivers on promise of cancer biomarkers. Powell, K. Nature Medicine August (2003) This News article discusses how researchers are applying the latest proteomics techniques to identify biomarker signatures for breast and ovarian cancers.

Aspirin, ubiquitin and cancer. Wilkinson, K. D. Nature 14 August (2003) This News and Views article discusses a trio of papers investigating the cellular pathways involved in cylindromatosis — a condition that causes tumours to form in hair follicles and sweat-glands. In this condition, loss of CYLD causes an increase in NFκB activity. Aspirin prevents activation of NFκB responsive genes. So, could aspirin prove a useful therapy against benign human cancers?