Seeking feedback

With Deb Koen Careers consultant

Most people relegate professional feedback to an annual review or an approaching tenure decision. Some have such an aversion to criticism that they try to avoid it altogether. Whatever your approach has been, consider the benefits of seeking feedback regularly and informally.

Feedback can affirm your self-awareness, identify skills gaps and align priorities. At the very least, it can reduce the fear of the unknown. Rather than restricting feedback to a formal process, seek it regularly from a variety of sources. To get the most from it, focus on three key elements: who to ask, how to receive it and what to do with it.

The people to ask for feedback are individuals who are familiar with your work, have credibility in your eyes and who will be honest with you. An effective feedback provider will be specific, offer examples, and address strengths as well as potential problems.

Select one person to start with and set up a meeting time. During the discussion, listen carefully to comments without interrupting. Don't resort to denying, defending, attacking or withdrawing from unfavourable views. Seek clarification and ask for specific examples if you're uncertain about the message. For feedback on your work, consider the following questions. What strengths do you feel I have? What is my reputation? Are there any tough messages I need to hear? What talents am I not using? What actions would you suggest that I take? What other people or resources would you recommend to further my development?

Feedback comes to life only after the discussion, when you consider its implications and make choices about your follow-up. Document the discussion for future reference, and look for patterns in responses, giving particular attention to themes that emerged from more than one source. Finally, create a development plan for your own use or for integration into the existing review process.

By doing this, the feedback process will greatly enhance your personal and professional development.