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Body composition, energy expenditure and physical activity

The association of change in physical activity and body weight in the regulation of total energy expenditure




The limited success in addressing the current obesity epidemic reflects the insufficient understanding of the regulation of energy balance. The present study examines the longitudinal association of body weight with physical activity (PA), total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) and total daily energy intake (TDEI).


A total of 195 adults (52% male) between 21 and 35 years of age with no intention for weight loss were followed over a 2-year period. Body weight, fat mass and fat-free mass were measured every 3 months. Participants were stratified into three groups based on change in body weight using a 5% cutpoint. TDEE and time spent in different PA intensities were determined via a multisensor device at each measurement time. TDEI was calculated based on change in body composition and TDEE.


At 2-year follow-up, 57% of the participants maintained weight, 14% lost weight and 29% gained weight. Average weight change was −6.9±3.4 and 7.1±3.6 kg in the weight-loss and weight-gain groups, respectively. Average TDEE and TDEI did not change significantly in any weight change group (P>0.16). Moderate-to-vigorous PA, however, increased significantly in the weight-loss group (35±49 min/day; P<0.01) and decreased in the weight-gain group (−35±46 min/day; P<0.01).


Results of this observational study indicate an inverse association between body weight and PA to maintain a stable TDEE and allow for a stable TDEI over time. Sufficient PA levels, therefore, are an important contributor to weight loss maintenance.

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We thank staff and participants of the Energy Balance Study as well as the scientific advisory board of the study, including D Allison (University of Alabama, Birmingham), J Blundell (University of Leeds, UK), T Church, M Hamilton, P Katzmarzyk (all from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center) and J Jakicic (University of Pittsburgh). Funding for the study was provided by a grant from The Coca-Cola Company. The sponsor played no role in the study design, collection, analysis and interpretation of data, or preparation and submission of this manuscript.

Author contributions

CD has analyzed the data. CD, JOH, JCP and AS-M have interpreted the data and written the manuscript with critical input from SNB. SNB has been the main investigator for the Energy Balance Study.

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Correspondence to C Drenowatz.

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Competing interests

Clemens Drenowatz received travel funding from The Coca Cola Company. James O Hill has been on the advisory boards of The Coca Cola Company, General Mills, McDonalds and Curves. He has been a consultant for Novo Nordisk, and has received grants from Coca-Cola and the American Beverage Association. John C Peters received research support from the Walt Disney Company, American Beverage Association and the McCormick Science Institute. He received consulting fees from the Procter and Gamble Company and from Coca-Cola and a speaker’s fee from McNeil Nutritionals. Steven N Blair has received book royalties (<$5000/year) from Human Kinetics; has served on the Scientific/Medical Advisory Boards for Cancer Fit Steps for Life and Sports Surgery Clinic Dublin; and honoraria for lectures and consultations from scientific, educational and lay groups. During the past 3-year period, he has received research grants from the National Institutes of Health, Body Media and The Coca-Cola Company.

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Drenowatz, C., Hill, J., Peters, J. et al. The association of change in physical activity and body weight in the regulation of total energy expenditure. Eur J Clin Nutr 71, 377–382 (2017).

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