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Antiparallel beta helix structure predicted from Archaeovorin-type protein occurring within the genome SR-VP_9_9_2021_34_2B_1_4m_PACBIO-HIFI_HIFIASM-META_416_C.

A structure prediction for a massive protein discovered by computational biologist Jacob West-Roberts and his colleagues.Credit: West-Roberts, J. et al./bioRxiv

Not your average protein

The record for the largest known predicted protein has just doubled from 40,000 to 85,000 amino acids. The average protein has only a few hundred amino acids, and the current world-record holder, Titin — a molecule found in muscles — weighs in at 35,000. The newly predicted mega-molecule is encoded by a bacterial gene found in wastewater. It seems to belong to a family of giant proteins hosted by bacteria that devour other microbes. But the bacteria are tricky to grow in the laboratory — a necessary step to confirm the proteins’ real-world existence.

Nature | 6 min read

Reference: bioRxiv preprint (not peer reviewed)

Food is finally on the COP menu

After three decades of climate summits, 134 countries signed the first ever declaration on reducing emissions from food production on 1 December at the COP28 meeting. Food accounts for one-third of global greenhouse-gas emissions, so researchers welcome the move. If people switched to eating mostly plants, and less meat, it would cut one-quarter of food-related emissions. Halving food loss and waste would have a similar impact. Figuring out what is politically digestible is the next big hurdle.

Nature | 6 min read

Publish or perish creates ‘non-stop’ authors

A global analysis of papers published by extremely productive authors — those who publish, on average, every five days — reveals that the number of such authors has increased rapidly since 2016. “I suspect that questionable research practices and fraud may underlie some of the most extreme behaviours,” says study co-author John Ioannidis. Outside physics (excluded because of unusual authorship practices), the number of extremely productive authors in most countries more than doubled between 2016 and 2022. Some nations saw even more rapid growth. Saudi Arabia had the highest numbers of ‘non-stop’ authors, and Thailand had the fastest increase.

Nature | 5 min read

Reference: bioRxiv preprint (not peer reviewed)

Hyper-productive fields: Bar chart showing number of extremely productive authors by field excluding physics.

Source: Ref. 1.

Wish list for big US physics projects

An influential panel of scientists is urging US funders to support five physics projects of unprecedented scale. Topping the wish list is a radiotelescope array to study radiation that was created in the moments after the Big Bang. Other projects include two experiments to study elementary particles called neutrinos, a Higgs-boson-producing particle collider and a dark matter detector.

Nature | 8 min read

Massive shake-up of French science system

France has announced a billion-euro plan to improve universities’ autonomy, cut the bureaucratic burden on researchers and create a council to advise the president on science. Some researchers have welcomed the reform, which is the biggest in about two decades. Others suggest that institutes face immediate issues that will not be solved by high-level changes. “Given the current state of the world, this is not the time to divert scientists from their work with ill-planned and controversial policies,” says biologist Patrick Lemaire.

Nature | 5 min read

Features & opinion

Sexism hurts science and wastes money

Top academics and research leaders argue that sexism in science is throwing away taxpayers’ money. A 2023 study of almost a quarter of a million US academics showed that women are leaving research at much higher rates than men are. Toxic workplaces are the main reason women cite for leaving academia. The authors say it is time to overhaul systems that reward sexism with public funding and that protect perpetrators of discrimination and harassment.

Nature Reviews Materials | 9 min read and The Conversation | 5 min read

How to prevent zombie projects

Some projects linger without making progress, taking up mental space and emotional energy. Here are some tips for how to deal with an ‘undead’ project:

Reanimate it by narrowing its scope, hold a writing retreat or enlist reinforcements.

Accept that it won’t happen — or offer it to someone else.

Freeze it for a year.

Be ruthless and reward yourself when you’ve dealt with one project at a time.

Nature | 6 min read

Quote of the day

“Some of the tribes in the Midwest are really struggling, and I told myself, if we could launch a solar farm there, we could do it anywhere.”

Cody Two Bears of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in North Dakota on how Native Americans are embracing solar farms as a way to generate sustainable energy. (BBC Future | 11 min read)