This week, 'sticky' RNA causes disease, disorganised taxonomy, and 'intelligent crowd' peer review.

In this episode:

01:03 RNA repeats clog cells

Some genetic diseases are caused by repeated chunks of DNA. How? Research paper: Jain and Vale; News and Views: RNA repeats put a freeze on cells

07:10 Organising the organisers

Taxonomy – the science of classifying species – is in chaos. Here’s one way to tidy it up. Comment: Taxonomy anarchy hampers conservation

14:17 Research Highlights

Why whales are so big, and where all the antimatter is. Research Highlight: Why baleen whales grew big; Research Highlight: Explosive origins for antimatter

15:58 An intelligent crowd

What if, instead of 2 or 3 peer reviewers, there were 100? World View: Crowd-based peer review can be good and fast; Synlett

22:38 News chat

Juno spacecraft cosies up to giant Jupiter, and new mission to explore the insides of super-dense neutron stars. News: Jupiter’s secrets revealed by NASA probe; News: Neutron stars to open their heavy hearts

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