This week, a new advance in silicon based quantum computing, and experiences of how to recover when disaster strikes.

In this episode:

00:45 Quantum logic

A fast and accurate two-qubit logic gate has been designed in silicon. Research article: Simmons et al.

07:52 Research Highlights

Teaching a computer to solve a Rubik’s cube and immigration in Chichén Itzá. Research Highlight: AI solves the Rubik’s cube; Research Highlight: Death as a human sacrifice awaited some travellers to a Mayan city

10:43 Coping with calamity

Researchers share how they are recovering from catastrophe. Career Feature: Explosions, floods and hurricanes: dealing with a lab disaster; News Feature: The battle to rebuild centuries of science after an epic inferno

19:04 News Chat

A campaign to open up the world’s research, and dinosaur egg-laying clubs. News: The plan to mine the world’s research papers; News: Ancient Mongolian nests show that dinosaurs protected their eggs

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