Kasbir Kaur

Kasbir Kaur is a 28-year-old dental nurse/receptionist from Blackpool who works at St Annes Dental Clinic. Her partner Richard is a senior support worker.

How long have you worked in dentistry? Ten years.

Why did you choose dentistry for your career? I wanted to work in a clinical environment and have always been fascinated with dentistry so I enrolled onto an apprenticeship after studying A levels at college.

Do you have any special responsibilities within your dental practice? Yes. I'm an orthodontic nurse and I can take dental impressions. I also take dental radiographs and I trace cephalometric radiographs. I update the emergency drugs kit every three months. I also carry out administrative duties for the orthodontist such as placing patients on the waiting list for ortho treatment, typing letters that she reads to the dictaphone, uploading patient photographs to the patient files on the computer, scanning all paperwork, and checking the orthodontic email account for any enquiries from dental companies and patients etc.

What do you like best about your job? Assisting the orthodontist whilst she carries out orthodontic treatment on patients. It's great to see their teeth improving during the treatment and it's nice to see the patients regularly over the course of their treatment.

What is the most challenging part of your job? Keeping up with my workload but I always manage to in the end and I ask for help from others when needed.

What are you most proud of? Passing my courses in dental nursing, orthodontic nursing, dental impression taking and dental radiography.

What do you like to do outside work? I go walking with my local walking group (Wyre Ramblers) every two weeks around the UK. My favourite places to walk are the Lake District and Wales.

What do you like about BDJ Team? I like reading the articles to help me continue my professional development.

What three things could you not live without (besides people)? My three-legged rescue cat Timmy, my phone and my car.

Could YOU write an article for BDJ TEAM?

Would you like to contribute to BDJ Team, the online monthly magazine for all dental care professionals (DCPs)?

We are keen to hear from you if:

  • You are involved with research or audit and would like to submit an article for peer review and possible publication

  • You would like to appear in a ‘day in the life’ style profile piece

  • You have had an exciting career or have an unusual hobby and would like to write about it for BDJ Team

  • You are an expert on a core CPD topic and would like to share your knowledge through an original article for BDJ Team

  • You would like to appear in a mini ‘FLASH INTERVIEW’

  • Your dental practice has been involved in a special event (such as fundraising, oral health education in the community, a practice open day or practice makeover) and you think it would make a good news story.

OR perhaps you have an idea for an article that you would like to see in BDJ Team or a topic not yet covered - or a topic not covered often enough.

We would love to hear from you. Please email the Editor, Kate Quinlan, on bdjteam@nature.com, call 020 7843 3680 (office hours) or write to: BDJ Team BDJ Editorial 4-6 Crinan Street, London, N1 9XW

All ideas and suggestions are welcome!

Sheena McCormick

Sheena McCormick is a 50-year-old practice manager at Newport Pagnell Dental & Teethinline Orthodontics in Milton Keynes. Sheena is married to Paul, a police officer; they have three children called Aaron, Joel and Lewis and two grandchildren, Halle and Landon.

How long have you worked in dentistry? Four-and-a-half years.

Why did you choose dentistry for your career? I didn't! Fell into it through a mystery job advert for a business manager and absolutely love it!

Do you have any special responsibilities within your dental practice? Depends what you mean. To me the whole thing is special and quite unique - managing three practices, juggling so many different roles and responsibilities, people and their varied roles/professions and getting a balance between private and NHS work. I previously worked as an HR Manager and Business Consultant but never got the sense of fulfilment that I get in this job.

What do you like best about your job? The variety! I love my office admin days, managing projects and balancing the books but I relish the opportunity to get behind our reception and meet/greet and chat with our patients.

What is the most challenging part of your job? Every day brings a different challenge but the most challenging is keeping everything going every day - people, equipment, finances…

Do you have any outstanding ambitions? Work-wise I would like to develop and enhance our practices so that they are regularly seen as outstanding practices with fab service for every patient and a great place to work for the whole team - we're not far off! On a personal level, I want to visit as many places as possible before I'm too old to do it.

What do you like to do outside work? Holiday! Paul and I have very busy weeks so obtaining a good balance of work/life is very important to us. Love a lush little weekend break (the team are always asking where you off to now) and I read books by the dozen (no preference for authors but love a good read).

Tell us a secret. My husband is so proud that I now visit the gym three times a week - what he doesn't know is that I spend a fraction of that in the gym and the rest chilling by the pool or having a latte in the coffee lounge!

What do you like about BDJ Team? It keeps me up to date and abreast of what's happening in the wider arena and covers a multitude of topics, news and views. It's like a useful networking buddy outside your practice!

What three things could you not live without (besides people)? My iPad, a good book and my latte!

Becky Hudson

Becky Hudson is a 25-year-old dental nurse from Corby who works at Smiles Ahead (Corby) Ltd. Becky is married to Daniel, a warehouse supervisor, and they have two children, Alfie and Oscar.

How long have you worked in dentistry? I started as a dental receptionist in March 2008 and qualified as a dental nurse in April 2014.

Why did you choose dentistry for your career? If I am completely honest this is a career that I fell into. My first full time job after finishing college was as a dental receptionist. This was only meant to be temporary but I thoroughly enjoyed my time within this job role along with the responsibilities I was given. Due to family commitments, I left this job in 2012 after having my second child as I needed to try and balance work with child care while they were both young. However, when they got a bit older I decided to go back to work and back into dentistry. Nursing was just the next logical step in my career progression and I haven't looked back since!

Do you have any special responsibilities within your dental practice? At my current practice we are all equal and form a great team. We all share the daily, weekly and monthly responsibilities that come with the job. We all help each other out instead of everyone having set tasks.

What do you like best about your job? Helping people overcome their fears of the dentist, making sure they have a positive experience and I love seeing how much dentistry can change a person, making them more confident and happier in themselves.

What is the most challenging part of your job? Being a dental nurse is so much more challenging than just sitting chairside. There is so much more to the job role: admin duties, covering reception, managing the de-con room, following policies and protocols, documenting everything, keeping on top of stock levels, CPD requirements … and much more! The challenge is keeping on top of everything and prioritising your work, ensuring the patients always come first. But if you are a committed dental nurse and love your job then it shouldn't be challenging at all!

What are your outstanding ambitions? My next step is to complete an impressions taking course which I am already enrolled on. Then I am aiming to do advanced impression taking, fluoride application and OH educator along with radiography. Other interests I have are sedation/implant nursing and minor oral surgery.

What do you like to do outside work? I love spending time with family and friends! We are always out and about doing something, seeing the family and keeping the boys and our two pooches entertained and out of mischief! In all fairness being a married, full time working mum of two young boys doesn't leave much time for anything else.

Tell us a secret. I originally wanted to be a veterinary nurse but ended up qualifying as a dental nurse!

What do you like about BDJ Team? It's helpful, provides great CPD and is always there if you need any advice.

What three things could you not live without (besides people)? Dogs (pets), shoes, and of course a toothbrush!