Consultation on updated guidance from SDCEP

A draft of the Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme's (SDCEP) updated guidance on the Prevention and Management of Dental Caries in Children guidance is now out for consultation. The original guidance document was published in 2010 and is well respected and is widely used in and beyond Scotland. The original guidance document (available at was designed to assist and support Primary Care practitioners and their teams in improving and maintaining the oral health of their child patients from birth up to the age of 16. Based on information distilled from a range of sources, the guidance provides advice on

  • the assessment of the child

  • the delivery of preventive care based on caries risk

  • choosing from the range of caries management options available

  • delivery of restorative care, including how to carry out individual treatments

  • recall and referral

  • providing additional support

  • management of suspected dental neglect.

The consultation runs until the 18th August 2017 and the draft document and feedback form are available at

Corrections and clarifications

In vol 18.1 the letter to the editor was not correctly titled on the contents page of the journal and should be referenced as:

Afrashtehfar KI, Brägger U, Treviño-Santos A, de Souza RF. There is a need for clinical studies comparing pressable and machinable lithium disilicate restorations. Evid Based Dent 2017; 18: 2.

The following digital object identifier (DOI) number associated with an article in Volume 7 was incorrect in the original issue as published in 2006. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this error.

Evidence-Based Dentistry (2006) 7, 65–66. doi:10.1038/sj.ebd.6400123 The correct number is doi:10.1038/sj.ebd.6401228

The following digital object identifier (DOI) number associated with an article in Volume 8 was incorrect in the original issue as published in 2007. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this error.

Evidence-Based Dentistry (2002) 3, 70–71; doi:10.1038/sj.ebd.6400463 The correct number is doi:10.1038/sj.ebd.6401229