The News Feature ‘The true cost of publishing’ (Nature 495, 426–429; 2013) wrongly described David Solomon as an economist; he is a psychologist. It also gave the wrong definition of STM — it should have said ‘scientific, technical and medical’. Kay Dickersin’s comment about jail in the News story ‘Drug-company data vaults to be opened’ (Nature 495, 419–420; 2013) should have referred to the presentation of false results identified through transparency rather than failures to ensure transparency. The News story ‘Crick’s medal goes under the hammer’ (Nature 496, 13–14; 2013) should have said that Crick received his Nobel five, not six, decades ago. And the News Feature ‘Fire in the hole!’ (Nature 496, 20–23; 2013) wrongly located Ted Jacobson at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, instead of in College Park.