
Your Editorial 'Negative results' (Nature 453, 258; 2008) and News Feature 'Designer debacle' (Nature 453, 275–278; 2008), on the retraction of two papers from my laboratory and the events surrounding those retractions, have provided opportunity for misunderstanding and misinterpretation.

Regrettably, as with all human endeavours, mistakes can occur in scientific research. When a mistake is made, it should be admitted through retraction of the published paper. Such retractions should then lead to a process of impartial scientific enquiry and analysis, as well as introspection by the participants.

I have acknowledged, and will continue to acknowledge, my personal responsibility to the scientific community for these errors as well as my responsibility as a research supervisor to my students.

As my actions have been called into question, I have asked the Duke University Medical Center administration to hold a formal and impartial inquiry into these retractions and the events that have followed. My request has been granted by the university.