50 years ago

The National Science Foundation's report on Government–University Relationships in Federally Sponsored Scientific Research and Development... directs attention to three major trends [between 1940 and 1958]... In this period Federal support has extended from the agricultural sciences to every field of natural science. Secondly, the period has seen the innovation and expansion of federally owned and financed research centres; and thirdly, in contrast to the relative absence of Federal 'extramural' financial support of research facilities, a significant part of Federal support (265 million dollars in 1957–58) goes for construction or operation of major research facilities.

From Nature 21 June 1958.

100 years ago

La Loi des petits Nombres. By M. Charles Henry. The question discussed by the author may be given in his own words:—

“Est-il possible de prévoir une loi de séquence plus ou moins fragmentaire dans les phénomènes fortuits comme les arrivés de la rouge et de la noire à la roulette?”

He considers that the theory of probabilities is only verified in practice when the number of throws of the ball is indefinitely great, and that new principles are required when the period of play is short. He takes what he terms a psychophysical point of view, and bases his researches on the ultimate vibrations of particles and the musical interval, the fifth—the ratio 3 : 2. He adopts the latter as governing the sequences at roulette without giving any scientific reason whatever.

It is difficult to take the author seriously, but as he pretends in chapter iv. of the work to give rules of play which will enable a player to win at Monte Carlo, it is necessary to inform the reader that the system of M. Henry is not based upon scientific truth, and can have no effect upon his winning or losing.

From Nature 18 June 1908.