On the Record

“Delaying having children defies nature and risks heartbreak.”

The British Medical Journal warns women who want children not to defer pregnancy.

“You have more security at a McDonald's than at some of these facilities.”

Microbiologist Richard Ebright criticizes security measures at a New Jersey lab that has lost three plague-infected mice.

“Some recipes call for 30 frogs for a single dish.”

Biologist Esteban Lavilla describes how local customs are causing frog populations to dwindle in parts of South America.

Sources: Br. Med. J.; Newark Star-Ledger; BBC


Big brother

Dutch authorities plan to track every newborn from cradle to grave — collecting health, family, school and police data in a single electronic source.

Occupational hazards

Office drones and grad students aren't alone: Brazilian farmers who hand-milk their cows risk carpal tunnel syndrome too.

Be prepared

US security secretary Michael Chertoff is criticized for attending a bird flu meeting while his agency fumbled to cope with Hurricane Katrina. At least he's ready for one impending disaster.

Number Crunch

96% of Americans say it is important to invest in medical research to provide a solid scientific base for health care.

73% of them do not know that the National Institutes of Health is the agency mainly responsible for funding medical research.

18% say they know a scientist personally.

Source: J. Am. Med. Assoc.