A History of the Mind: Evolution and the Birth of Consciousness

  • Nicholas Humphrey
Copernicus, £7.99

Pluto and Charon: Ice Worlds and the Ragged Edge of the Solar System

  • Alan Stern &
  • Jacqueline Mitton
Wiley, $19.95

Mathematical Mysteries: The Beauty and Magic of Numbers

  • Calvin C. Clawson
Perseus, $17

Making Us Crazy: DSM — The Psychiatric Bible and the Creation of Mental Disorders

  • Herb Kutchins &
  • Stuart A. Kirk
Constable, £14.99

“This is a serious and well-documented study, which casts serious doubt on the touted scientific status of DSM categories. It is also readable, although Kutchins and Kirk's preoccupation with the day-to-day minutiae of the politics of naming may dispose some psychiatrists to see in this a case of ancient obsessional disorder. It is certainly sobering to discover just how the terms we take for truth have come into currency.”

Roy Porter, Nature 389, 805–806(1997)