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  • Books Received
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(1) The Farm and the Nation (2) West African Agriculture (3) An Introduction to Tropical Soils (4) A Note-Book of Tropical Agriculture


(1) IN “The Farm and the Nation” British agriculture is described and the possibility of its development discussed. The question is intimately associated with the alternative sources of supply of the nation's food for, if British farming is not to be fostered at the expense of the non-agricultural communities, food must be produced under competitive conditions. The question is further complicated by the fact that the land of Britain is not a tabula rasa through centuries, vast capital sums have been expended in a lay-out which cannot be discarded except at enormous expense. The present use to which the land is put as the result of that development is described in much detail, and this historical description is extended to cover the main countries of the Empire which, in the past, have absorbed so much of the British emigrant population.

(1) The Farm and the Nation.

By Sir E. John Russell. Pp. 240. (London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd., 1932.) 7s. 6d. net.

(2) West African Agriculture.

By O. T. Faulkner J. R. Mackie. Pp. viii + 168. (Cambridge: At the University Press, 1933.) 8s. 6d. net.

(3) An Introduction to Tropical Soils.

By Dr. P. Vageler. Translated by Dr. H. Greene. Pp. xvi + 240 + 12 plates. (London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1933.) 15s. net.

(4) A Note-Book of Tropical Agriculture.

Compiled by Prof. R. Cecil Wood. Pp. iv + 149. (Trinidad: Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture, 1933.) n.p.

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(1) The Farm and the Nation (2) West African Agriculture (3) An Introduction to Tropical Soils (4) A Note-Book of Tropical Agriculture. Nature 132, 425–426 (1933).

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