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UNDER the new regulations recently made with a view to the control of food supplies, the Board of Trade issued on Monday the following Order as to the milling of flour:—The Milling Order, 1916, fixes for the United Kingdom the percentages of flour that must be extracted from wheat of various qualities according to the following schedule:—English, 76; Choice Bombay, 78; Australian, 78; Blue Stem, 76; Walla Walla, 75; No. 2 Red Western, 76; No. 2 Red Winter, 74; No. 2 New Hard Winter (1916), 76; No. 1 Northern Duluth, 75; No. 1 Northern Manitoba Old Crop, 76; No. 2 Northern Manitoba Old Crop, 75; No. 3 Northern Manitoba Old Crop, 73; Choice White Karachi, 75; Soft Red Karachi, 75; Rosafe, 62 Ib., 73; Baril, 61½ lb., 74; Barletta-Russo, 61½ Ib., 74. The Order conies into force, as regards milling, on November 27 next; that is to say, on and after that date no wheat may be milled except in accordance with this schedule. On and after January 1, 1917, only flour milled in accordance with the schedule may be used for making bread or any other article of food. A subsequent Order will be issued requiring periodical returns of stocks of wheat received and of flour and offals milled and of all stocks in hand on the date of the Milling Order coming into operation—i.e. November 27.

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Notes . Nature 98, 232–236 (1916).

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