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  • Books Received
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(1) The Art of Aviation A Handbook upon Aëroplanes and their Engines, with Notes upon Propellers (2) How to Bild an Aëroplane (3) How to Build a 20-foot Biplane Glider (4) Les Aéroplanes, considérations théoriques (5) Ballons et Aéroplanes (6) L'Aviation (7) Navigation in der Luft (8) Stabilitié des Aéroplanes, Surface métacentrique (9) Die Seitensteuer der Flugmaschinen (10) IV Congrès international d'Aèronautique, 1909 Procès verbaux, Rapports et Mèmoires (11) Bibliography of Aëronautics (12) Petite Encyclopédie aéronautique (13) The Encyclopaedia of Sports and Games


THE present season has been, so far as aviation is concerned, a record of brilliant successes and terrible calamities. The recent fine performance of Mr. Moisant in flying from Paris to near Dover forms the fourth cross-Channel record, the preceding one being the late Mr. Rolls's flight to France and back without a stop on June 2. Mr. Moisant's performance differs from the previous ones in that he carried his mechanic as a passenger, and that he steered his entire course by compass, not having been over the ground before. His flight was not performed under by any means ideal weather conditions, for within a few miles of the English coast he ran into a rainstorm, which, owing to the high relative velocity at which the machine was being driven, or, as a newspaper reporter imagined, “with the high wind prevailing coupled with the speed at which the aeroplane was travelling” beat on the aviators' faces and on the machine with the violence of hail. Again, when approaching the English coast, the machine is stated to have been sucked down from 800 to about 200 feet, as the result of air currents set up by the cliffs. And while the Holyhead to Dublin course still awaits completion, it cannot but be said that Lorraine's preliminary flight from Blackpool to North Wales was an excellent performance, and it is quite possible that the Irish Channel may be crossed before this review is actually printed.

(1) The Art of Aviation. A Handbook upon Aëroplanes and their Engines, with Notes upon Propellers.

By R. W. A. Brewer. Pp. xiii + 254 + 12 plates. (London: Crosby, Lockwood and Son, 1910.) Price 10s. 6d. net.

(2) How to Bild an Aëroplane.

By R. Petit. Translated by T. O'B. Hubbard and J. H. Ledeboer. Pp. xiii&plus 118. (London: Williams and Norgate, 1910.) Price 2s. 6d. net.

(3) How to Build a 20-foot Biplane Glider.

By A. P. Morgan. Pp. 60. (New York: Spon and Chamberlain; London: E. and F. N. Spon, Ltd., 1909.) Price 1s. 6d. net.

(4) Les Aéroplanes, considérations théoriques.

By P. Raybaud. Pp. 24. (Paris: F. Louis Vivien, 1910.) Price 1.75 franc.

(5) Ballons et Aéroplanes.

By G. Besançon. Pp. 346. (Paris: Garnier Fréres, 1910.) Price 1.75 francs.

(6) L'Aviation.

By Prof. Paul Painlevé Prof. Emile Borel. Pp. viii + 266. (Paris: Felix Alcan, 1910.) Price 3.50 francs.

(7) Navigation in der Luft.

By Prof. A. Marcuse. Reprinted from the Denkschrift der ersten Internationalen Luftschiffahrts-austellung zu Frankfurt a. M., 1909. I., pp. 46–59. (Berlin: Julius Springer.)

(8) Stabilitié des Aéroplanes, Surface métacentrique.

By Prof. M. Brillouin. Reprinted from the Revue de Mécanique, 1909. Pp. 80. (Paris: H. Dunod and E. Pinat, 1910.)

(9) Die Seitensteuer der Flugmaschinen.

By Prof. H. Reissner. From Flugtechnik und Motorluftschiffahrt, 1910, 8, 10. (Munich and Berlin: R. Oldenbourg.)

(10) IV. Congrès international d'Aèronautique, 1909. Procès verbaux, Rapports et Mèmoires.

Pp. iv + 473. (Paris: H. Dunod and E. Pinat, 1909.) Price 8 francs.

(11) Bibliography of Aëronautics.

By Paul Brockett. Pp. xiv + 940. (Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1910.)

(12) Petite Encyclopédie aéronautique.

By L. Ventou-Duclaux. Pp. 144. (Paris: F. Louis Vivien, 1910.) Price 1.75 francs.

(13) The Encyclopaedia of Sports and Games.

Edited by the Earl of Suffolk Berkshire. New and enlarged edition, in monthly parts. Part i., pp. 80, with numerous plain and coloured illustrations, including article "Aëronautics". (London: William Heinemann, 1910.) Price 1s. net each part.

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BRYAN, G. (1) The Art of Aviation A Handbook upon Aëroplanes and their Engines, with Notes upon Propellers (2) How to Bild an Aëroplane (3) How to Build a 20-foot Biplane Glider (4) Les Aéroplanes, considérations théoriques (5) Ballons et Aéroplanes (6) L'Aviation (7) Navigation in der Luft (8) Stabilitié des Aéroplanes, Surface métacentrique (9) Die Seitensteuer der Flugmaschinen (10) IV Congrès international d'Aèronautique, 1909 Procès verbaux, Rapports et Mèmoires (11) Bibliography of Aëronautics (12) Petite Encyclopédie aéronautique (13) The Encyclopaedia of Sports and Games. Nature 84, 229–233 (1910).

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