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Elementary Photo-micrography


THE object of this little book is to arouse interest in, and give instruction to, those to whom such a study would otherwise possibly appear far too abstruse and full of difficulty. It is most clearly and lucidly written, and there is an evident desire to avoid unnecessary detail. It would be easy to criticise and to point out the many omissions of essential detail that to an advanced worker are only too obvious; but it must be admitted that for the beginner and intelligent worker the instructions would prove, in the majority of cases, ample. Nearly the whole of the course of work suggested may be carried out. with simple apparatus: in fact, it is much to the credit of the writer that simplicity, and the absence of any recommendation to use complex apparatus, is the keynote of the entire book. It is perhaps to be regretted that, having gone so far, he has not in some directions slightly extended the work. The instructions in the use of the microscope itself are perhaps unnecessarily meagre, whereas such matter as a list of photographic chemicals required, with the prices—information that can be obtained from any trade catalogue—might easily have been omitted. On the whole, however, the object of the book is fulfilled, and it will form, to those who have a microscope of simple construction, or who, having a camera, wish to apply it for microscopic work as well, a most, useful guide. The illustrations are in, all cases of a high order, and have been selected, not merely as pictorial examples of photo-micrographic work, but, so far as possible, to bring home to the student the difficulties to be encountered and the results to be attained.

Elementary Photo-micrography.

By Walter Bagshaw. Second edition. Pp. 103. (London: Iliffe and Sons, Ltd., 1909.) Price 2s. 6d. net.

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BARNARD, J. Elementary Photo-micrography . Nature 82, 97–98 (1909).

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