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PROF. F. V. HAYDEN has recently been elected Foreign Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Rome. This is one of the oldest scientific societies in the world, and the number of foreign members in the department of the natural sciences is only thirty-seven. The University of Rochester (U.S.) at its annual commencement on the 3rd instant, conferred on Dr. Hayden the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. In his letter communicating its action, the president, Rev. Dr. M. B. Anderson, says:β€”β€œThe Trustees and Faculty of the University desired to recognise by this action your great services to science through your personal attainments, as well as the almost unparalleled energy and success which have characterised your explorations in regions hitherto unknown to the geologist as such. They did not hope to add in the slightest degree to your well-earned reputation, but they desired to express their appreciation of the honour you have done our country and the state and city of your early residence, by those great labours which have linked your name with geological science for all coming time. The friendship of many years has made my official connection with this, public act a source of the most sincere pleasure.”

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NOTES . Nature 18, 343–346 (1878).

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