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Russian collaboration loss risks permafrost carbon emissions network

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Fig. 1: Regions of environmental space described by the Arctic carbon monitoring network that are affected by loss of Russian science collaborations.


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This work was based on support provided by the following programmes: NSF PLR Arctic System Science Research Networking Activities (RNA) Permafrost Carbon Network: Synthesizing Flux Observations for Benchmarking Model Projections of Permafrost Carbon Exchange (2019–2023) grant no. 1931333 (E.A.G.S.), the Minderoo Foundation (E.A.G.S.); European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 951288, Q-Arctic) (M.P. and M.G.).

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All authors contributed substantially to this work. Based on previous collaborative work by the author group, E.A.G.S. conceived the initial idea and wrote the draft, and M.P. and M.G. provided the analysis with the figure, and contributed to the written text.

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Correspondence to Edward A. G. Schuur.

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Schuur, E.A.G., Pallandt, M. & Göckede, M. Russian collaboration loss risks permafrost carbon emissions network. Nat. Clim. Chang. 14, 410–411 (2024).

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