Thesis in 2015

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  • Michelle Francl explores the concepts that could help non-chemists see the world more like those trained in the subject.

    • Michelle Francl
  • Carl Wilhelm Scheele had a hand in the discovery of at least six elements and contributed to the early development of chemistry in numerous other ways. Bruce Gibb looks into Scheele's story and considers why he doesn't get the credit that he deserves.

    • Bruce C. Gibb
  • Bruce C. Gibb is organizing a workshop for two groups of scientists that study a similar topic, but rarely get together. The different perspectives they bring and the unusual set up of the meeting will hopefully lead to new ideas, but, as he suggests, they will also lead to the attendees leaving their comfort zones.

    • Bruce C. Gibb
  • Michelle Francl suggests that chemists should relax and not fret over ambiguous language.

    • Michelle Francl
  • In the second of two essays looking at organic chemistry that can be found in the Solar System, Bruce C. Gibb focuses on the gas and ice giants as well as their satellites — concluding the tour on Saturn's fascinating moon Titan.

    • Bruce C. Gibb
  • It's time to wake up and smell the chemistry, argues Michelle Francl.

    • Michelle Francl
  • In the first of two essays that offer a chemistry-themed guided tour around the Solar System, Bruce Gibb looks at what sort of organic molecules are out there and just where you can find them.

    • Bruce C. Gibb