Volume 235

  • No. 12 15 December 2023

    In this issue

    This issue features articles on dental trauma, vulnerable groups, and professionalism in dentistry.

    Cover image: Dentistry and the SDGs – Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. Dental professionals must often make choices between reusable vs single-use items, highlighting the need for responsible choices which consider environmental impact.

  • No. 11 8 December 2023

    In this issue

    This issue features articles on uncontrolled hypertension, oral ulceration, and oral health decline in patients after stroke.

    Cover image: Dentistry and the SDGs – Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. Mobile dental units can be used to provide oral healthcare to vulnerable communities. Taking services directly into certain communities has the potential to offer an equitable, inclusive and sustainable model of delivering care.

  • No. 10 24 November 2023

    In this issue

    This issue features articles on MRONJ, mouth cancer, and weight stigma.

    Cover image: Dentistry and the SDGs – Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities. 1 in 5 Brits have no dentist. Oral health inequalities between rural and urban areas call for a necessity to reduce disparities and enhance oral health outcomes for all individuals, regardless of their geographical location.

  • No. 9 10 November 2023

    In this issue

    This issue features articles on medical emergency events, the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need, and cardiovascular and diabetes risk factors.

    Cover image: Dentistry and the SDGs – Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. In low- and middle-income countries, dental infrastructure is limited and often only basic equipment is available to carry out treatments. One of the targets for SDG 9 is to develop sustainable, resilient infrastructure in developing countries – something that volunteer dentists and dental charities play a part in facilitating.

  • No. 8 27 October 2023

    In this issue

    This issue features articles on nicotine pouches, clinical coding practices, and community water fluoridation.

    Cover image: Dentistry and the SDGs – Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. Is the sun setting on the NHS dental contract? As more and more practices are withdrawing from the NHS altogether, time is running out to close on a solution that is fruitful for all: patients, employees and the NHS itself.

  • No. 7 13 October 2023

    In this issue

    This themed issue features articles on the topic of hypodontia, including considerations for orthodontics, restorative dentistry, and a multidisciplinary team approach.

    Cover image: Dentistry and the SDGs – Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy. Our focus for this SDG was to illustrate the various ways in which dental practices as well as patients can contribute to this goal, including renewable energy sources at the dental practice (eg solar panels) and reducing CO2 emissions for both dental professional and patient commutes (eg cycling; coordinating appointments to reduce number of visits).

  • No. 6 22 September 2023

    In this issue

    This issue features articles on head and neck cancer referrals, obstructive sleep apnoea, and scientific workshops.

    Cover image: Dentistry and the SDGs – Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation. Our focus for this SDG was to show how we can reduce water waste and keep the water source clean. Whether you are a dentist scrubbing up ahead of a patient, or you are brushing your teeth at home, it is important to make sure the tap is always turned off when brushing! The dental practice ensures that no mercury spills into the water supply, helping our tap water continue to stay safe for all to drink.

  • No. 5 8 September 2023

    In this issue

    This issue features articles on anti-coagulants, dental amalgam teaching, and sustainability and oral care.

    Cover image: Dentistry and the SDGs – Goal 5: Gender Equality. 48% of those on the GDC register are male and 52% are female; therefore, it is imperative that all genders within dentistry and across all dental boards, institutions and councils are reflective of the patients and the communities they serve and represent. Inclusive and balanced boards/institutions are likely to be more effective and better understand their stakeholders, be open to new ideas, and have broader experience.

  • No. 4 25 August 2023

    In this issue

    This issue features articles on dental careers, supervised toothbrushing programmes, and oral pathologies.

    Cover image: Dentistry and the SDGs – Goal 4: Quality Education. Dental education is delivered in a variety of different ways, and it is crucial that these approaches promote inclusion and diversity, and are accessible to all. By extension, these considerations are crucial to all the ways in which we learn.

  • No. 3 11 August 2023

    In this issue

    This issue features articles on 3D-printing dentures, bone grafting techniques, and medical device legislation.

    Cover image: Dentistry and the SDGs – Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being. This goal brings together all sides of the oral health equation – dental professionals, dental practices, and patients themselves. In addition to the teeth and mouth, dentists are well placed to discuss with patients how important it is to look after the heart, eat well and exercise.

  • No. 2 28 July 2023

    In this issue

    This issue features articles on gum disease, functional neurological disorder, and pre-adjusted edgewise attachments.

    Cover image: Dentistry and the SDGs – Goal 2: Zero Hunger. When money is short, so are the choices for many families. BOGOF offers on many sugary foods fuel an increase in consumption amongst families who face daily hunger.

  • No. 1 14 July 2023

    In this issue

    This issue features articles on dental radiography, provisional restorations, and person-centred care.

    Cover image: Teachers are buying pupils toothbrushes and toothpaste in the cost-of-living crisis. Toothbrushes should not be a ‘luxury item’.